

A home for children was founded over 10 years ago, by missionaries from the UK. They saw the need in the town of Quyquyho, and decided to sponsor a “comedor” or Commissary, where children from the poorest communities could enjoy a free lunch. The Commissary eventually evolved into what is now Esmeralda Home.

Today, Esmeralda Home is run by the Evangelistic Association Gracia y Gloria, Paraguay, that shelters 13 girls who, due to various types of abuse, had to leave their family homes through a Court Order. The home, based on Christian principles, provides comprehensive care to restore in these girls a perspective of a victorious life which has been disrupted through family violence.

The youngest girl at is 3 years old, and the oldest is 17. They live a normal life where they go to school, perform daily chores and do fun activities. They receive regular visits from church members, youth groups and other organizations, with whom they establish friendships, participate in faith-building activities, learn a lot and have fun.

The Home staff is composed of an Executive Director and a Technical Team: a lawyer, a psychologist and a social worker. There are also four caregivers who rotate so that the girls are looked after 24/7.

Due to their background, the girls are given the necessary emotional support, therapeutic spaces, opportunities to reflect and other activities. They also work on their “Life Project” – a document where they lay out their goals, dreams, ambitions and wishes for their lives. Wherever possible, the girls are reconnected with their families or relatives through visits.

During the holidays, families from Casa de Gracia host the girls to stay with them. They join in their family dynamics, and get to experience a closer connection with others. The girls enjoy these experiences as it broadens their horizons and expands their world beyond the little town of Quyquyho.

The Home continues to be supported by donors from the UK and occasionally, receives anonymous donations. Volunteers from the US and other Christian organizations also support the Home. High5Give5 contributes monthly to the girls’ nutritional needs.

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